1. I will officially start school in 2 weeks. That's kids in the rooms! I'm excited to meet my new group. I've been busy in my room getting things ready. I have a new color scheme that I love!
2. In order to stay organized this year. I have put all my supplies for each week in drawers: activities, books, worksheets. I'm hoping this will end the piles that end up on my desk!
3. I've created a Charlie McButton pack with activities to use with the word work and buddy reading. It covers the VCCV, Sleuth, and Literary Elements and terms.
4. Here in Indiana our government decided to go away from Common Core and come up with our own standards. We all know how hectic it gets once school starts, so in order to make sure I'm covering everything I made a checklist for both LA and Math standards for 3rd grade.
You can grab the Math Checklist for free here:
5. A week after school starts we will drive my son to his first year of college. I'm not sure how I will deal with this. On one hand he is very mature and I know he his ready to be out on his own, but on the other hand he is my BABY! Actually I think I can handle letting him go, but when I think about not seeing him for a month or more..........
I have driven both of my kids away to college and left them! It is very hard! I know hubs and I both cried- for different reasons. It's one of those life milestones and I tried to enjoy it and soak up things to remember later. It was still sad!
Teachers Are Terrific!
Oooh your classroom looks so organized! Love it! Enjoy your last few days of summer.
My Carolina Classroom
I love your cartoon image! That was actually me when my youngest started kindergarten a couple of years ago. Now she loves school (thank goodness)! Thanks for sharing.
I love your library! I’m gearing up for a big giveaway on my blog on August 11 - come stop by so you don’t miss it!!
Beyond The Gradebook